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Introducing The CORE Kit:
Your Age-Tech Companion for Senior Independence

The core kit is an innovative and non-intrusive technology designed to monitor your beloved family members’ habits while at home.

In your journey of caring for your aging loved ones

...the weight of concern is always present. 

From managing daily tasks to ensuring the safety and well-being of their loved ones, caregivers carry the weight of these responsibilities every day.

The constant worry about their loved one's health, safety, and quality of life can take a toll on their own physical and emotional well-being.


Until you find the right solution - technology

American Association of Retired Persons AARP logo
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Home Care Association of America logo

As a family caregiver doing it alone,
your thoughts are all over

The thought of your aging older adults carrying out their daily activities alone, vulnerable to unforeseen accidents or lapses in health, can be overwhelming.


It's a burden that tugs at your heart, leaving you restless and anxious.


of Amercans are 65+ years old. By 2040, the number is projected to grow to 22%.


of older adults prefer

living at home than in an assisted living facility later in life.


of older adults reports some type of disability 

(i.e., physical ,cognition, or independent living).


of Baby Boomers are caring for their aging in place relatives, and had provided care for at least 2 years


of baby boomers are caring for young children and their aging relatives at the same time!


of family caregivers report moderate or serious distress levels, negatively impacting their general productivity.

Smart-home devices can be there when you can’t, providing a 24/7 connection to help ensure safety, assist with daily tasks, and allow you to check in on a loved one

New York Times

Time magazine logo
caregiver smart solutions testimonial 85+ aging in place senior

Katie, 87

“Katie has been using Caregiver Smart Solutions for a few years now. She shares her concerns about her mom and how the CORE kit has helped her have less stress and more Peace of Mind.”

The Senior List logo

The Seniors List

To me, the most intriguing part of Caregiver Smart Solutions is the detailed activity tracking. If you have a family member aging in place, then these devices can provide you with accurate updates that let you know your loved one is safe.

As days turn into weeks and weeks into months, the worry amplifies. Each passing moment brings with it the weight of responsibility.

Your mind is filled with nagging questions;

Did mom get out of bed?

Are they using the bathroom normally?

Are they taking their medications?

Are they drinking enough water?

Are they showing signs of lethargy or inactivity?

Are they sleeping enough?

Is their residence the right temperature for them?

Did they visit the bathroom during the night

Is Dad staying safe on his own?

What if they have a fall and no one's there to help?

Did they forget to close a door?

Did they trip and fall?

Did they leave the premises?

The uncertainty grows, making it hard to focus on anything else. 

You have your own family, work,and personal needs, which are also demanding your constant attention at the same time, and your head is all over the place, filled with worries!

You may start to look for a solution that can offer reassurance and support in your caregiving journey.

Then, in this situation of overwhelming support, there comes a moment of clarity, and it hits you — you can't do this alone.

You need a solution now!

As a family caregiver overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caring for aging loved ones while managing your daily activities, waiting is no longer an option! Our solution offer a lifeline in times of need, providing the support and reassurance you deserve.

You embrace technology

Whether it's keeping track of your aging in place loved ones daily activities, or staying connected with them for updates in real time. Our innovative age-tech solution has the power to enrich your relationship with your older adults, knowing they are safe for your peace of mind 

You desire peace of mind!

You desire to say goodbye to sleepless nights and constant worry – with the right technological solutions by your side, doing all the work! You can rest assured knowing that your loved ones are in good hands. It's time to prioritize your well-being as you manage the care of your older adults with confidence and ease

BOOM! You discover the CORE Kit.

It Discreetly Monitors

The CORE Kit employs discreet monitoring technology that seamlessly integrates into the daily lives of your loved ones. Utilizing advanced sensors and unobtrusive devices, our system discreetly observes their activities without imposing on their privacy or independence.

Caregiver Smart Solution Caregiver monitoring system fall detection sensors for aging in place

You get realtime updates

Using the app, you get real-time updates through a user-friendly interface accessible via all mobile devices. With secure cloud-based technology, the app continuously collects data from discreetly placed sensors and devices. This data is then processed in real-time, allowing you to receive instant updates and alerts regarding your loved one's well-being. 

Caregiving Monitor for activities of daily living real time updates

Experience hassle-free installation - no tech background required!

Our self-installation process is effortlessly easy for everyone regardless of technical expertise. With our complimentary demo, you can take control and set it up yourself – point and click!


Download Our App

With user-friendly features and real-time updates, our app puts peace of mind at your fingertips. Stay connected with your aging loved ones, monitor their well-being effortlessly, and receive instant alerts when they need your attention.


Plug In Our Smart Hub

Seamlessly integrating with The CORE Kit, our smart hub is the central command center for your caregiving journey. With intuitive controls and real-time monitoring capabilities, it offers unparalleled convenience and peace of mind.


Place the Sensors

Strategically place the sensors in the recommended areas of your seniors' homes to ensure optimal monitoring. Our sensors are specifically designed to offer comprehensive insights into daily activities, safeguarding seniors' safety and independence.


Relief Redefined

With The CORE Kit watching over them, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Whether it's managing medication schedules, monitoring home temperatures, or ensuring their safety, The CORE Kit provides you with the peace of mind you deserve.

caregiver smart home sensor fall alert for seniors aging in place sensors
Senior man 75+ with grandchildren

Become a part of the happy families we are giving peace of mind in realtime today!

Whether you're near or far, the CORE Kit keeps you connected, providing real-time updates and alerts that allow you to intervene if necessary. 

We are promising you a partnership built on trust and technology, offering a redefined purpose for caregiving and support for senior independence.

Experience with Caregiver Smart Solutions: Katie the Caregiver Shares How It Helps Monitor Mom

Experience with Caregiver Smart Solutions: Katie the Caregiver Shares How It Helps Monitor Mom

Hi there! My name is Ryan Herd and I am the founder of Caregiver Smart Solutions. Today, we are here with Katie the Caregiver. Katie has been using the Caregiver Smart Solution system for about a year now, and we want to find out how it has impacted her life and the life of her mom. For those who may not be familiar, the Caregiver Smart Solution system is a tool designed to help caregivers keep track of their loved ones and provide peace of mind. It includes a core kit that can be placed in the home of the person being cared for, which tracks their movements and sends alerts to the caregiver when certain activities occur, such as using the bathroom or getting out of bed. Before we get into how the system has helped Katie, let's hear a little bit about her mom. Katie's mom is almost 95 years old and still lives independently in a two-bedroom, two-bathroom condo. While she is getting older and experiencing some mobility issues, she is very independent and doesn't want to give up her independence. This is where the Caregiver Smart Solution system comes in. According to Katie, the system has been a "godsend" because it gives her peace of mind. She is able to check in on her mom and receive alerts when she is moving around, which allows her to know that her mom is okay without constantly worrying. Katie also mentioned that setting up the system requires some knowledge of the person's habits, which helps to ensure that the alerts received are accurate and meaningful. One thing that stands out about the Caregiver Smart Solution system is that it is non-invasive. Katie mentioned that she had tried other solutions in the past, such as a pendant that her mom was supposed to wear around her neck, but her mom refused to do so. The Caregiver Smart Solution system doesn't require any wearable devices, making it a more appealing option for those who value their independence. In terms of the impact on Katie's stress levels and peace of mind, it's clear that the system has been very helpful. Katie mentioned that she worries about her mom more than her mom worries about herself, and being able to check in on her without constantly worrying has been a huge relief. It's not just about knowing that her mom is okay, but also being able to see her mom's patterns and habits, which can provide insight into her overall well-being. Overall, it sounds like the Caregiver Smart Solution system has been a valuable tool for Katie and her mom. It has provided peace of mind, reduced stress, and allowed Katie to better monitor the well-being of her mom while also respecting her independence. If you're a caregiver looking for a solution to help manage the care of your loved one, the Caregiver Smart Solution system is definitely worth considering. šŸ‘‰ Learn more about Ryan Herd here: šŸ‘‰ Learn more about Caregiver Smart Solutions, Easing the burden of caregiving with innovative solutions for enabling independence and reducing stress. šŸ“ŗ Experience the expertise and insights of Caregiver Smart Solutions by watching their informative video. Click here to view: šŸŽ„ Do you have a captivating story that you believe would be valuable for others to hear? I would love to interview you and share your experience with a wider audience. šŸ“– Are you interested in incorporating smart home technology into your home? Check out my book, "Join the Smart Home Revolution," and learn how to easily upgrade your home's functionality. Order your copy here: #AginginPlace #Caregiver #OccupationalTherapist #Aging #caregiverlife #occupationaltherapist

Watch this 30-seconds video of how we provide innovative age-tech solutions for your loved ones who are independently aging in place

Introducing Caregiver Smart Solutions, a new way to support aging in place. By combining in-home care with smart technology and machine learning, we can now have a better sense of our loved ones' well-being than ever before. With Caregiver Smart Solutions, you can have peace of mind knowing that your loved one is being taken care of.
“AARP’s national family and caregiving expert, Goyer, 61, says the most notable change in caregiving in her experience has been technology — particularly the smart tech that many seniors rely on to stay safe in their homes.”
The washington post icon

The Washington Post

Caregiver Smart Solutions CORE Kit

Experience the transformative power of the CORE Kit

Your dedicated companion in ensuring the safety, well-being, and independence of your aging loved ones.

Caregiver Smart Solutions Wifi Smart Hub for caregiver home monitoring system for seniors

1 Wifi Smart Hub

Our Smart Hub connects all of the sensors and streams important information directly to the Caregiver Smart Solution App through your loved one’s Wi-Fi, giving you real-time updates on your loved one’s well-being.

Caregiver Smart Solutions Wireless Movement Sensors for fall detection alert seniors aging place monitoring system

5 Wireless Movement Sensors

Simply place our small, quarter-sized sensors in key areas of your loved one’s home, including the bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, and dining room, to monitor their well-being and keep them safe.

Caregiver Smart Solutions Wireless Emergency Buttons home monitoring for seniors caregiving solutions

3 Wireless Emergency Buttons

For added peace of mind, our system includes emergency buttons that your loved ones can press in case of an urgent need for help. For easy access, you can place on the nightstand, in the kitchen, or in the living area. 

Caregiver Smart Solutions Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor for aging in place senior safety

1 Wireless Temperature and Humidity Sensor

The temperature and humidity sensor keeps track of the temperature and humidity in the bathroom and/or kitchen. It alerts you if it becomes too cold or too hot, or they are taking frequent baths, if a pot has been left on the stove, or if there is a potential fire. 

Caregiver Smart Solutions Wireless Drawer sensors remote senior monitoring

4 Wireless Door/Drawer Sensors

They can be easily placed on medicine cabinets, refrigerator doors, or front and back doors to help you monitor if they are taking their meds, or if a door has been left open. This will ensure your peace of mind knowing they are safe.

Covered Across Multiple Channels

From leading publications to influential media outlets, the spotlight is on us as we redefine senior independence. With experience in smart homes and age-tech innovations we are committed to enhancing the lives of both caregivers and their loved ones,


Caregivers Smart Solutions is making a profound impact on the way we approach aging in place.

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For further details on setting up the core kit, refer to the provided resource, which includes easy-to-follow How-To videos.

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